Posts tagged Homelessness


Every day, Vera Swihart looks forward to working with volunteers who, in her words, “feel like they are being just as blessed by serving others as they are a blessing to those they serve.” The outpouring is reciprocal, and Vera has witnessed it firsthand. She’s worn many hats at Faith Mission over the years, including secretarial work in the 70’s and administrative assistant duties in the 80’s and 90’s, before she became Faith Mission’s volunteer coordinator in 2008.


Faith Mission was born out of a shared dream of two pastors in 1956 to serve the homeless community in Elkhart. The space they rented downtown became a haven for those without lodging or food, and the streets of our city became their well-worn routes for carrying the message of hope in Christ.


Today, Faith Mission still operates with the same heartbeat: providing shelter, meals, clothing, programs, and faith-based hope to our community in need. They’ve added long-term residential and life skill programs that help individuals and families build strong foundations for longevity and stability, pursue employment, and experience lasting change. Over the last few years, they’ve partnered with The Crossing School, local businesses, churches (including FBC), and community volunteers to build “Tiny Homes” that provide emergency shelter to individuals and families.


God has flooded blessing and favor on what began as a nudge from the Holy Spirit on two pastors in a Bible class together. It has grown to truly demonstrate the passage written above the serving counter in their dining room in scripted brushstrokes:


“Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as day.” – Isaiah 58:10 (The Living Bible)


“Generally speaking,” Vera shared, “when an individual is at his/her lowest point, even the basic things we provide at Faith Mission are really appreciated.” By helping Faith Mission meet even basic physical needs, volunteers make a profound impact on lives. What blesses her the most, is her volunteers’ willingness to perform their best as “unto the Lord”.


Matthew 25:35-40

(Holman Christian Standard Bible)

“‘For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat;
I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink;
I was a stranger and you took Me in;
I was naked and you clothed Me;
I was sick and you took care of Me;
I was in prison and you visited Me.’

Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or without clothes and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and visit You?’

And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’”



Across town, Darlene Anderson Wilson spends the best hours of her days at Feed The Children. This location that God has placed “in our backyard” is one of 5 distribution centers where Feed the Children funnels food resources and other essential supplies to families in poverty and affected by natural disasters.


Darlene’s role at Feed the Children as Volunteer Engagement Supervisor has her constantly sharing life with the people that make this enormous operation work, and she LOVES it: 

“I am always touched by the generosity of volunteers’ time to come in. I know how busy my life is and I know many of them have just worked an 8 to 10-hour day and still come in to pack boxes to help others as busy as they are.” – Darlene Anderson Wilson

In addition to guiding Volunteers, Darlene oversees the Teacher Store, which invites teachers to “shop” for classroom supplies at no personal expense. Darlene has seen the way this impacts the hearts of local teachers: “I’ve seen it in something as simple as providing a teacher with a new chair for their desk or having books that are “perfect” for their students,” Darlene said. “The teachers leave here knowing we care about the work they are doing, and some have cried from the generosity they are shown.”



The overwhelming pattern in what Darlene shared with us is how God shows up in the moment-by-moment interactions that happen at the Distribution Center.


She treasures her interactions with the at-risk students who come and volunteer, describing the moments when they share with her the things that are important to them, their smiles in response to a “job well done”, and their laughter and camaraderie as they tell stories and even sing while packing boxes. “They come in and help complete whatever task we have for the day with enthusiasm and an eagerness to help out. When they are here, it seems like they forget about their circumstances for a while and are just kids volunteering,” Darlene shared.


Whether she’s helping a driver who can’t find an address or even helping a parent line up community service work for their son or daughter, Darlene understands that each of her scenarios at Feed The Children is an opportunity to spread kindness and grace to others.


As God uses Feed the Children to intervene in the cycle of poverty both domestically and abroad, He is also orchestrating encounters and conversations in a volunteer context to intervene in lives with His love. And that’s pretty incredible.