I am an atheist.” “I have a felony charge.” “I don’t have money. Can I be a part of your ministry?”  

These are just a few of the questions that Carrie Zickefoose, Executive Director of SPA Women's Ministry Homes, is asked from time to time. Her answer is always the same: “Yes, yes, and yes! I want women to know,” Carrie explains, “that regardless of what it looks like, we, the body of Christ, are here to walk alongside them in truth and love. Come, and let me tell you about my Jesus!”  

SPA (Spiritual & Personal Adjustments) Women’s Ministry Homes is a Christ-centered, residential treatment program that empowers women to address the root causes of life-controlling issues and addictions in order to live productive lives of recovery. SPA has been walking alongside women and helping them to find freedom in Christ through a life-on-life ministry context since 1998.  

“I wish more people realized that addiction does not discriminate,” Carrie remarked. “Your friend, neighbor, Sunday school teacher, coworker, etc. May be struggling and may need a safe, non-judgmental, loving environment to share.” Participating in the way that God is transforming women’s lives through His healing and freedom compels her to pour her heart and life into daily ministry at SPA.  

Carrie looks forward to moments like these at the beginning of the day: “I love walking through the door to laughter – undeniable – from the belly – fall on the floor – tears of joy – kind of laughter!” Those who walk onto the campus find a warm, vibrant atmosphere and an unmistakable sense of family and solidarity. Surely, the presence of the Lord is in this place.  

SPA works intimately with local churches in the Elkhart area, and its leadership looks for opportunities to foster that partnership even outside of Sunday morning services. Carrie told us the following story as an example:  

“We recently hosted a pastor's appreciation dinner in our home here at SPA Women's Ministry. While pastors enjoyed a meal that was prepared for them, our ladies shared with them through song, poetry, storytelling, comedy, and art. In that moment, I saw our ladies’ hearts soften as they served our pastors, and our pastors responded with love and appreciation! For some of our ladies, it had been a long time since anyone applauded them and said, ‘well done.’ And the next day, our ladies expressed over, and over again, how much joy it brought them to do something nice for those who pour Jesus into their lives day in and day out!”  

As a church, our FBC Family treasures the opportunity to partner with all that God is doing through SPA Women’s Ministry Homes. We have watched Him pour favor over this local ministry for years, providing resources to serve more women, transforming lives and entire family trajectories, inspiring creative and innovative new endeavors for the ladies in residence, and moving His church to be a part.  

How to Pray Specifically for SPA Women’s Ministry Homes:  

“Please pray for our ladies that they grow closer to Jesus. Pray for wisdom and discernment for our staff, mentors, and volunteers as they speak into our ladies' lives. Pray for our capacity to reach deep into our community to connect with those who are hurting and who could benefit from this ministry. Pray for our benefit service in February, that God's protection and favor is with us. And most importantly, say ‘thanks’ for who He is and His love and grace for us!” - Carrie Zickefoose  

How to Bless & Serve SPA Women’s Ministry Homes: