children’s Ministry 



FBC offers age-appropriate programs for your child ages newborn through 6th grade during morning service times (9:00 and 11:00 am) and Sunday evening Kids' Clubs (5:30-7:30 pm). 

Nurseries through Kindergarten-age ministries are located in the "Kids Town" hallway.

1st - 6th grade ministries are located in "The Backyard" hallway.

Our goal for each weekend is to create an environment that is safe, educational, and engaging and that teaches your child who God is and how he/she can relate to Him on a daily basis.

Our volunteers are required to undergo an application process and background check. No one is ever allowed to be alone with a child. To ensure your child’s protection we have secure check-in and pick-up procedures in place as well as a paging system for contacting parents in case of an emergency.

Sunday Morning Check-in

Is it your first time with our children's ministry? Click here to fill out a First Time Visitor Pre-Registration form so that your kiddos are already in our system when Sunday morning rolls around!

Kids Club

Kids Club is available for children ages 3 through 6th grade and follows the school year and Life Group schedule. Nursery care is also provided during Life Groups for our youngest attendees. Kids Club happens on Sunday evenings at FBC from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. We've made it super easy for your child to jump in! If your kids participate (and we hope they do!), you'll need to fill out a Participation Form.


Are you looking for the opportunity to volunteer in our Children's Ministry? We can't wait to see how God uses you here at FBC.

New Volunteers can follow one of the links below to fill out a General Volunteer Application.


We use The Gospel Project curriculum on Sunday mornings and evenings, which takes us on a continuous journey through Scripture, tracing the need for redemption in the story of the Gospel—and in our own stories. Each session is Christ-centered, heart-transforming, and theologically rich, designed to align across all ages as we move chronologically through the Bible. With a missional focus, The Gospel Project helps us not only understand God’s Word but also live it out.

To learn more about The Gospel Project, visit their website here.