Hearts united for bristol

The hub’s food pantry

The Hub’s (Hearts United for Bristol) mission is to bring hope, healing, and wholeness to Bristol. They offer assistance and guidance to those in need and opportunities for others to give back through serving. The Hub’s food pantry also provides food assistance in Bristol, IN for Bristol and Washington Township residents.

When you come to The Hub’s food pantry you may be helping in one of several ways, but the primary role is to assist families in shopping through the pantry, loading their food into carts, and helping them load into their cars. These are great opportunities to talk with our local "neighbors" that come in for food assistance, hear their stories, and even get a chance to pray with them as you are led. You might also spend some of your time at the pantry sorting donations, restocking shelves, or making up boxes.

Here are some specific areas the hub is in need of help:

Donations of Food and Finances

  • Common items: saltines, cereal, peanut butter, grape jelly, soups (especially needed), canned veggies, instant potatoes, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, granola bars, pancake mix, syrup, mac/ cheese, kids snacks, and toiletries (shampoo, dish detergent, laundry detergent)

  • The Hub’s food pantry also accepts financial donations to help with operation costs.

Specific Time Volunteer Roles and Time Slots Needed

  1. Thursday PM - 2nd and 4th Thursday nights this Fall from 6-8p
    *Specifically the pantry could use 2-4 more volunteers on the 2nd and 4th Thursday nights of the month (could you take one of those for the fall or even just 1x)

  2. 3rd Saturday at The Hub - Home Delivery Tea
    *Deliver to Bristol Mobile estates on the 3rd Saturday morning of each month (roughly from 10-11:30
    *The Hub is looking for 2-4 individuals who could help here

  3. Restocking (non-Thursdays)
    *The pantry could use 2-4 people (or a nice project for a family) to help restock occasionally after busy Thursdays. This can be done during the day, evening, or weekend.

  4. Driver to Pick-up / Shop for Food 1-2x a month in Milford
    *The Hub has a new food resource in Milford (a distribution hub of food, but they need a large capacity vehicle/trailer that can haul up to a large skid-size load of food.
    The pantry in Milford is open only Monday and Fridays from 9-12
    *The time commitment here is normally 3-4 hours. You would also shop to select food (Chris Garner, the pantry director, would accompany you a couple of times for you to get the hang of it)

If you are interested in volunteering for Hearts United for Bristol, give them a call. They’d love to hear from you! If you’re looking for more information about The Hub, the pantry, or various serving opportunities, visit http://www.thehubbristol.com/.

101 W Vistula St,
Bristol, IN 46507

Phone: 574.304.7402